Covid Free Islands

During the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, Greece took all necessary measures that effectively slowed down its spread in the country . Since then , Greece has been praised for its immediate reaction and now for its Covid Free Islands program .

Following the second wave and the global situation, Greece went into lockdown to protect it’s citizens from the spread. The government assessed and updated their plan daily based on the epidemiological data. These measures have managed to keep Covid cases among the lowest in the world from the beginning until now.

The lockdown is officially over since May 3rd but use of a face mask is still obligatory on the street , on public transport means, taxis, elevators, hospitals, when visiting government services buildings, in shops and other commercial establishments. People should also avoid overcrowding at all times, in indoor as well as in outdoor spaces.

The vaccine presented new hope and Greece started the vaccination program on January 2021 , planning to have achieved immunity of at least 50% of the population by June .


However , Greece being a top travelling destination decided to go a step further and aim to create Covid free islands with the program “Freedom” .

Covid free islands are considered those , where each and every resident has been vaccinated regardless of their age . This assures that the Greek people are protected from getting sick and spreading the virus and also travelers are protected from catching it there .
So far over 3 million people have been vaccinated at least with the first dose and 69 islands are completely vaccinated and Covid free.
The islands that have achieved complete immunity are smaller islands and the program will continue on bigger and more popular islands.
Last year made all of us reconsider our priorities , be thankful for what we have and appreciate the small things . In this nature , Greece has tremendous beauties hiding in all those small islands and maybe it is your chance to explore them and get out of the ordinary .
It is mostly recommended for families or couples that want to relax , enjoy traditional Greek food , swim in the most pure waters and experience a different summer (in a good way ) .

Take a look at what is waiting for you.
The list goes on and on but the point is made.
Greece is ready to welcome you once again.
Attalos Hotel has established and follows all health protocols.
Our hotel will operate again from May 17th.
We are excited to welcome you!

Melina Zisi / Manager

Attalos Hotel